Jun 29

Proceed with Caution

The following short document outlines a few things to look out for when comparing materials on the 2050 Materials platform.

How can you compare products?

3 simple steps

  1. Search for a product type (e.g. Tiles)
Search Feature on 2050 Materials

2. Click the “Compare” checkbox on 2–4 products you would like to compare.

Compare Feature on 2050 Materials

3. Once you’ve selected a few products, click the “Compare” button on the top right

Compare Products on 2050 Materials App

What should you look out for when comparing products?

  1. Compare products that serve the same function
    Comparing tiles with precast concrete panels or paint will not be very insightful.
  2. Ensure the data is of equal quality, or follows the same standard
    Although this is a tricky one, try to make sure that the data comes from the same type of assessment (e.g. EPD following ISO)
  3. Make sure you the declared unit for each product is the same
    Comparing the carbon footprint of 1kg of concrete vs 1m3 of concrete will yield confusing results. We are working on giving you the ability to transform declared units soon!
  4. When comparing Material Facts, try to ensure the same life-cycle stages are covered.
    A product may appear to have better performance if different life-cycle stages are covered.

Are there any issues we missed? Reach out to us at info@2050-materials.com to contribute to maximizing transparency in the sector.

The 2050 Materials team

Previous 2050 Sustainable Materials Series: Straw Bale
Next 2050 Material facts – What and Why

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